
In college, you gain 技能 that can be applied in a wide variety of careers. 你开发 职业准备技能 以及与专业相关的技能. 的 resources below can help you explore career pathways and majors.


If you are unsure about which jobs relate to your major, the resources below can help you obtain information about the career possibilities.

  • 我可以用这个专业做什么? - This website is a great starting point for viewing related fields, 头衔, 工作场所, and professional organizations related to an academic major. Academic majors are listed with general major names and not all are listed. 找到最符合你兴趣的专业.
  • 职业视频面试 这些来自职场人士的视频面试解释了他们的工作与专业之间的关系. 按专业搜索,看看有什么可能. Academic majors are listed with general major names and not all are listed. 找到最符合你兴趣的专业. You can also search by an 行业 that interests you. 行业描述了公司的活动,包括从事不同职业的人,他们为同一类型的企业工作. 
  • 按专业分类的职位空缺:足彩外围网站握手 - When you sign up for this college student job site, you can search for current job openings by major. You can also search for job openings by 行业, which is the type of business activity a company or organization performs.
  • 求职数据库 - This website lists hundreds of specialized job boards. 搜索 by your career interests to see what's possible.
  • 教育水平和预计的职位空缺 ——美国.S. 劳工统计局(BLS)可以告诉你哪些工作需要学位,哪些工作对新入职者有最大的空缺.

You can also explore jobs by the type of work or setting that interests you.

  • 职业家庭选择 - A job family is a group of jobs based on work performed, 技能, 教育, 培训, 和凭证. Select the type of work that interests you to find related 头衔.
  • 按行业分类的选择 -行业是指具有类似活动的广泛的企业或组织, 产品或服务. 选择你感兴趣的活动、产品或服务类型来查找相关的职位名称.
  • 按专业划分的联邦职业 - 搜索 this list of academic majors 和 matching federal 头衔.
  • 按行业分类的加州职业 -按感兴趣的行业/工作类别搜索加州的工作列表. An 行业/job family is a group of jobs based on the work performed, 技能, 需要教育.
  • 工作选择指南 - 的se job guides include information about top-ranking careers and industries.

You can explore employers by a wide variety of interests. 利用这些资源来帮助你的研究.




  • 创业 - 审查 this website to learn the basics of setting up a business. Entrepreneurs are business owners rather than employees. 企业家几乎可以在任何可以想象的职业领域提供产品或服务. 了解更多 创业入门短期课程.
  • 这取决于你经营的业务类型, 可能会有联邦政府, 状态, 或者当地对专业执照的要求. 帮助您确定您的业务目标所需的教育和许可类型, 参观加利福尼亚州 专业执照指南.

If you would like to know the starting salary for a job or major, use these resources.

  • 科罗拉多州立大学探索毕业生收入数据 -加州州立大学系统提供毕业学生的工资收入数据. 选择洛杉矶以查看足彩外围网站毕业生的专业薪资结果.
  • 关键指标:毕业后成果 - WASC高级学院和大学委员会提供研究生成果数据. Type California State University-Los Angeles, click it, 和n GO. 的n, click Post-Grad Outcomes, to view the earning outcomes.
  • 职业未来推动者 - Choose an occupation category/job family that interests. 的n, select a specific occupation/job title of interest. You can also look by 状态 and regional metro area.
  • 大学的回报 - Explore lifetime earnings based on workers with varying degree levels (e.g.(学士、硕士). Filter the data by your area of interest including undergraduate major, 职业领域, 行业, 状态, 等.

If you are still unsure about which major you should study, 你可以评估自己的工作兴趣, 值, 技能, and 个性 to identify job options and determine which majors lead to that job.

挑战卡 为未来做准备的最好方法之一就是选择你想要面对的挑战. 通过挑战卡,你将选择三个你想要探索和发现的挑战. Together, they represent your unique challenge profile. 你将学习如何使用你的挑战档案来创造一条通往鼓舞人心的职业生涯的独特道路. 使用访问代码:EAGLESLA)

Focus2Career - Use this self-guided career assessment software to assess your work interests, 值, 技能, 个性, 休闲兴趣. 然后,把结果结合起来,找到与你的全部或部分素质相匹配的工作选择. Choose which job options interest you to see which majors lead to that job. You can also search for job options by job family. 工作族是基于所执行的工作、技能和所需教育的一组工作. (使用访问代码:EAGLESLA)

的se videos can help you interpret each section of Focus2Career.


Now that you have an idea about your career goals, you are ready to develop an action plan to achieve them. 使用这些资源开始吧.

了解更多足彩外围网站工作和专业的信息, it’s helpful to speak with someone who is working in the profession. 专业人士渴望回馈并帮助学生在职业对话中探索职业.


这是你和专业人士之间的一次会面,你可以通过提问来了解更多足彩外围网站你感兴趣的工作的信息. To better understand what a career conversation is, 你可以观看专业人士的视频,他们谈论他们是如何进入职业生涯的,以及他们在工作中做了什么. 观看专业职业对话视频.


审查 职业对话问题 (讲义) to brainstorm questions to ask the professionals.

Where can I find professionals in my field of interest?

  • 加州州立大学洛杉矶握手 - When you sign up for this free college student job-seeking software, you can view employer profiles and message them to connect. 你也可以参加雇主活动,与你感兴趣的职位或公司的专业人士建立关系.
  • 足彩外围网站校友指导计划 -校友会提供职业指导计划,你可以在那里与愿意帮助你探索职业的校友联系, 发展和目标设定.
  • LinkedIn - LinkedIn是一个面向职场人士和大学生的在线社交网站. You can view the profiles of working professionals and message them to connect. 使用下面的资源开始吧.

A professional brand is how employers see you in your major and career. 它反映了你作为一个专业人士的身份. 你在课堂作业和校园活动中展示了你的职业身份. 这些经历都包含在你的大学简历、工作申请和工作面试中. Use these resources to start exploring and building your professional brand.


从如何开始吧 在大学培养你的职业认同 (演示)确定你的生活经历和社区文化财富如何与你的职业准备技能相匹配. 


使用我们的 专业品牌模板 (讲义) to start creating your professional brand in your major. 然后,使用 评论标题 (讲义) to see how you can continue to advance your brand.


一旦你探索了职业道路和实现职业目标所需的教育水平, you are ready to make a decision to continue your 教育. 下面的资源为攻读研究生和专业学校提供了一般指导.

  • 申请研究生院的资源 - 加州大学洛杉矶分校 provides guides and resources in the above website link. 申请研究生院的学生应该与教师导师或教师顾问预约任何特定学科的问题. 教师 advisors and mentors can help with revising 状态ments for graduate school. 同侪导师 学业成功中心 are also available for academic and general writing assistance. 你和你的写作导师可以集思广益, 组织, and review a personal 状态ment or 状态ment of purpose. 的 研究生资源中心 偶尔提供研讨会,如选择合适的研究生项目和撰写目的陈述或个人陈述.
  • Humanities and Social Sciences Exploration: ImaginePhD ImaginePhD是一个免费的人文和社会科学职业探索和规划工具.
  • Natural and Applied Sciences Exploration: MyIDP MyIDP(或个人发展计划)是一个免费的工具,供科学博士和研究生探索职业可能性,找到最适合自己的职业道路.



Career advisors are available by individual appointment. 我们可以帮助您探索您的职业选择,并制定行动计划,帮助您获得经验. 和职业顾问约个时间.

We offer workshops throughout the year to help you identify your professional brand, 与专业人士联系,探索职业选择,制定行动计划,帮助你获得经验. Sign up for workshops on the 职业中心 calendar.

选择职业道路的一部分包括了解工作场所文化以及你的学位可以提供哪些机会. 雇主 host events where you can learn more about what's possible. Sign up for employer events using 加州州立大学洛杉矶握手.